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Happy New Year

Wow here we are almost to 2025 and bringing 2024 to a close!
Even with 2024 having it’s ups and downs, crazy stuff in the world
around us whether political, socially, etc I’ve sought to stay at peace
and continued to press forward doing what I can to make life the best
in the present and in days to come.

I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts on how 2024 has been for you and
any plans or goals for the coming new year.

I took a small break from canning but storing food is something I do
that helps in the present and for days to come.
I have some cauliflower, broccoli and green beans to can very soon.
It’s a lot of work doing so much canning but it’s so worth it.
I’m of the mind that most of the food in the grocery stores has
the potential to poison us even if not immediately. There is so
little nutrition anymore in the food grown or otherwise.

That brings me to some plans I have to build a green house
to grow the food I’ll be starting from seed in the outdoor
building. I’ll also be doing several cuttings from my elderberry
bushes and starting them all over the property.
I do have a pond liner to replace at some point as well in order
be certain of another water source.
I think this will give me plenty to do for the coming year.
So how about you….what are your plan?

With that I’ll conclude and wishing you the very best for 2025.
Stay at peace, stay focused and keep preparing one step at a time.

Just me at Simply Backwoods


  1. Avatar Cindy


    Happy New Year!
    For me personally 2024 was fairly uneventful, nationally with all the political shenanigan’s, assignation attempts, and with it all coming to a head with the election, I’d say it was stressful for everyone. Looks like 2025 will be the year of terrorism, riots, and pandemics. The deep state is going to throw everything they have at Trump.

    Biden is giving the medal of freedom to George Soros and Hillary Clinton today.
    What an upside down world we live in.

    There is a channel on YT that you might want to check out. He covers all the ins and outs of global shipping. That’s where I learned about the port strike way before it was national news. Also the Chinese and Russians cutting undersea cables. The Houthis economic impact in the Red Sea. All the things that give early warning to supply disruptions.

    The channel is “what’s going on in shipping”

    If you can find a good channel that covers Trucking, let me know. Trucking is a good indicator of economic too. I haven’t found a good channel for that yet.

    Do you ever ferment veggies? I find it to be one of my favorite ways to certain kinds. Cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, radishes, some cucumbers, carrots, onions.
    You’re right about the food, I just realized there is dextrose in those cardboard round table salt containers. Why do we need sugar in our salt? I have switched to other kinds of salt, but I still have quite a bit of that in my preps and I ate it for years. You have to read every freaking label these days.

    My goals for 2025, first and foremost is to strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ. After that, keep everyone in good health, Keep all the equipment running, and make it through the winter. We’ll se what happens after that.
    You have some good goals for 2025. I hope you get a chance to post pics of your progress. Keep us in the loop 🙂
    Enjoy your day.

    • Avatar Cindy

      Good morning, Jamie.
      I hope your morning is going well.
      I agree 2024 with all the political nonsense was stressful
      for everyone.
      I’ve done my best to not spend too much time even in alternatives
      news and stress myself more.
      I agree 2025 is going to be the year of terrorism, riots, man made pandemics, etc.
      And the deep state will continue to try everything it can to destroy trump and us.
      Also not to mention the promotion of new diseases and injections for everything such
      as weight loss injections playing on people wanting to be barbies. And what’s in those injections is
      probably even more destructive!
      Biden giving those medals directed by his puppeteers. He doesn’t have any mental capacity
      to think let alone walk these days LOL
      Thank you for the YT channel on shipping. I’ll definitely be checking this out. And if I find
      some channels on trucking I’ll let you know. It’s wise to know all we can that is affecting the
      supply chain. China and Russia are busy doing their evil deeds in every way they can.
      The world we live in is very upside down and becoming more so each day.
      I do ferment veggies and love them. I hope to do some more again soon. Especially when I garden
      I want to ferment a lot more. Besides being so tasty they are so healthy and good for us.
      I’d like to purchase more Redmond salt when I can afford to. But for the time being I too am trying
      to use any alternatives I can.
      I’m glad your foremost goal is to strengthen your relationship with the Lord Jesus. It’s mine as well.
      As things get stupider and fall apart more He needs to be our most steadfast and powerful relationship
      that takes us through whatever is to come. He has to be our all in all no matter what.
      I will definitely be sharing my progress as I go forth.
      The weather has been crazy. We had constant rain and now temps so cold can’t hardly stay out long let
      alone get my vehicle to start.
      I know there are lots of solar changes affecting things not to mention the altering of weather and the ground
      full of toxins being sprayed that make it impossible to plant much in the soil. I’m thankful Danny at Deep South and Pecan Grove
      does share some additives for bringing the soil back. I just don’t trust the weather modifiers to not up their game.
      Anyway I just want to keep my focus on the Lord and seek His wisdom each step of the way and like you keep everyone healthy here.
      Take good care and have the best day.

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