Good evening. I’m back.
Oh what a ride things have been but ready
to get back into the groove of things I’d
like to share.
Things started off well for me on as on any given
morning. I got up, turned the computer on and
discovered no internet connection.
No matter what things weren’t working.
I have a VPN with a Kill Switch.
When something goes wrong such as
my IP provider is interfering, my IP
address is being compromised, etc
the computer won’t connect to the
It took me a couple days to figure out
the beloved Microsoft (I actually despise it)
did a security update and caused my VPN
and internet to shut down.
It took me another couple days to figure
out how to uninstall the update and
VPN and start again. I’m very thankful
to Proton VPN Support for their help.
Another lesson learned in that the powers
that be want to spy on us whether we
have anything to hide or not. Control
is the name of the game and shutting
down normal people doing our best can
be unwittingly hit for no reason.
I do have a laptop I hadn’t fired up for about a year.
It’s slower than molasses and had a hard time to
log into anything. So I’m ecstatic to have this
computer back.
Rather than let not being online drag me down.
I got a new chicken run done for the chicks who are
growing like crazy.
They enjoy the grass, any bugs in the dirt and their
dirt bath with DE that keeps any mites off them.
It’s starting to stay very warm out so soon my daughter
and I will start building a larger one for them to be
for the warmer months. In the winter they’ll be inside.
We’ll be building a frame enclosed with chicken wire
for both, with roosting bars and nesting boxes.
Right now they have a box with straw in the event
they begin laying eggs sooner than later.
If things get too crazy they’ll be staying inside and
we’ll speed up getting their indoor quarters enlarged.
They do like to fly and occasionally fly out of the
large area their in now when I bring them inside
and go exploring downstairs.
I’m not into chicken poop everywhere so back in
they do go when I see them out.
They’ll probably start laying eggs around 6 months
or there abouts. I’m looking forward to lots of eggs.
I’m going to get this published for you but do
stay tuned as I get back into sharing about
Clean Water is a Necessity.

Simply Backwoods
Let the Peace of Jesus Rule, Stay Focused
and Keep Preparing One Step at a Time