Today my focus was on food for now and times to come.
Today it was Green Beans and Jam.
I always have a physical and mental list of what to do
and there are days like today I am busy canning and creating
for times to come but always including for my daily foods
needed as well.
I canned green beans and created a Berry Jelly with no recipe
just with what I have on hand.
I have tons of frozen mulberries & rhubarb and strawberries
I’ve harvested out back.
I cut up the rhubarb, added the mulberries, strawberries,
and a can of undrained, crushed pineapple from my food stores.
in a pan with approximately 4 cups of sugar (not that
aspartame crap that causes more issues than not). You can
use stevia or any sweetener instead of sugar but don’t use
aspartame please! It’s not good for you.
I boiled all for about 15 minutes then added a 4oz pkg
of strawberry jello and a 4 oz pkg of blueberry jello,
cooking another 5 minutes. After cooling a bit,
I put some of the jam in little baby food jars and filled
a quart jar with the rest then vacuum sealed it.
Now I’ll have some for toast of biscuits and some
for days to come.
It brings me a sort of peacefulness to be creative
and use what I have for today and thinking for
down the road.
I never want to lose my creativity in making things whether
it’s cooking something or making something outside.
I’m not getting any younger but I can do things one step
at a time & pace myself.
So do you have a creative streak in making things like food
or building things outdoors? Or do you need to let that
creative streak loose a lot more?
I’m not going to preach about it too much today lol
but it’s good to think outside the box even in the
small things.
If things get tougher in the world around us being able
to be creative and not let our head stop us in being
creative can be a huge plus!
Maybe your feeling like a young chicken or
your getting older and feel it too.
I’m finding if there is a will there is a way!
I talked to my 80+ mom the last two days.
She can’t get around like she used to but she
makes really good use of her cane and walker,
goes to the store, is organizing and getting rid
of non-necessities, and lays down and rests with
her sweet dog as needed to regroup her strength.
Believe me I get a nap in or chill for an hour or so
each day, then I get going again. Some days I
feel like I’m 80+ even though I’m not quite 65 lol.
I’ve been reading a book by Ron Foster, Old Fart’s
Survival Guide and he’s right on! Ron has a way
of sharing preparedness skills we can learn to do
and in some of his books has an uncanny knack
of mixing it in with fiction.
His first chapter in the Old Fart’s Survival Guide is
‘Let’s be the Longest Living
Senior Survivors Still Kicking and Doing
Grid Down‘. I Amen that!!
And from time to time Ron gives freebies so if
your using Kindle he’s got a Kindle freebie,
The Solitary Man’s Refuge that’s free until
Friday evening.
This book combines the three post apocalyptic prepper adventure books of the “Solitary Man Series”.
I’m reading it for the 2nd time and now that I’m done being creative with
food for today, I’m ready to kick back and read some before calling it a
May you have the best night, stay safe, stay at peace, stay focused and
keep preparing one step at a time.