Growing Vertical is something I wanted to share
with all of you.
Probably your already familiar with growing vertical
in pots in one form or another.
This year I’ll definitely be planting garden outside
but I’ll be growing a lot more inside this year and
vertical gardening is going to be a big deal for me.
I learned about these amazing vertical planters from
Danny and Wanda at Deep South Homestead shared
these and I’m saving to get me some ordered.
I want the 7 tier one and probably order a bit smaller
in time too.
Greenstalk Garden sells potting soil, seeds, covers for the whole
thing, a top waterer that waters from the top down and
I’m not an affiliate but I did get a $10 off coupon for you
if you’d like to use it.
Click here to get your $10 off>>Greenstalkgarden
Maybe you wonder why I’m growing more inside this year!
The reason being with higher food prices that keep rising
and increasing food shortages.
I think you’ll find food on the shelves for sometime but
the prices may be so ridiculous you’ll be limited on
what you can buy.
I so hope I’m wrong but from what I see there is a
very good probability.
In all honesty these days I have to be so purposeful
every time I need to make a purchase.
I’ve already heard stories too of people stealing out
of people’s gardens. I don’t have to worry about
that yet here since it’s not growing season.
If people get hungry they may be coming for
our gardens.
We don’t need to live in fear. Rather plant inside
and outside, plan for crop failures that happen.
Or at least they do with me every year.
And can, freeze and dehydrate all you can.
Freeze dry if you have a freeze dryer as well.
As Danny and Wanda at Deep South Homestead
have stressed–Let 2023 be the year of Solutions
not just focus on the problems.
Well it’s been a long day for me with Day 2 of
Freedom Academy’s CBDC event, Bible Study
and an online email group gathering.
I need to lay this tired body down.
Rest well, continue to seek to stay peaceful,
stay focused and keep preparing one step at a time.