Happy New Year
Wow here we are almost to 2025 and bringing 2024 to a close!
Even with 2024 having it’s ups and downs, crazy stuff in the world
around us whether political, socially, etc I’ve sought to stay at peace
and continued to press forward doing what I can to make life the best
in the present and in days to come.
I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts on how 2024 has been for you and
any plans or goals for the coming new year.
I took a small break from canning but storing food is something I do
that helps in the present and for days to come.
I have some cauliflower, broccoli and green beans to can very soon.
It’s a lot of work doing so much canning but it’s so worth it.
I’m of the mind that most of the food in the grocery stores has
the potential to poison us even if not immediately. There is so
little nutrition anymore in the food grown or otherwise.
That brings me to some plans I have to build a green house
to grow the food I’ll be starting from seed in the outdoor
building. I’ll also be doing several cuttings from my elderberry
bushes and starting them all over the property.
I do have a pond liner to replace at some point as well in order
be certain of another water source.
I think this will give me plenty to do for the coming year.
So how about you….what are your plan?
With that I’ll conclude and wishing you the very best for 2025.
Stay at peace, stay focused and keep preparing one step at a time.