Holiday Recipes and Reviews are a few things on my mind
to share today.
This year instead of buying gifts I’m baking goodies for
Christmas gifts.
I found an easy recipe for Peanut Butter Cup Cookies online.
I mixed it up last night and have it in frig to start making
closer to gift giving time. Although I might make a small
batch to sample myself lol
Oh and I was going to share this last night
but my computer had an issue and a lot going on
today but back at it tonight.
Here’s the link for the cookies if you’d like it–
Peanut Butter Cup Cookies
I was eating some popcorn I made and had this idea to
make some holiday popcorn for gifts. So I did a search for
some holiday recipes using popcorn.
I found one thankfully but only in video on facebook.
The website link wouldn’t work.
So even though I’m not fond of facebook and most
of you probably aren’t either, I’ll give you the link
and if you prefer not to go there to watch their
video just ask me and I’ll gladly share how to make
the popcorn. The link is below:
Since I last posted I have had a chance to try a few more items
from Nutrient Survival.
Yesterday I gave the Homestyle Scramble from Nutrient Survival a try
with some toast for breakfast. Made with sharp cheddar, eggs,
shredded potatoes and bell peppers sprinkled with Himalayan pink salt.
Plus gives a healthy supply of vitamins, minerals, protein amino acids,
omega 3’s and omega 6’s plus fiber.
In is available in larger bags and cans.
I do believe this would be a great addition to your preps
with a shelf life of up to 15 years.
If you’d like to learn more or get your hands on some
for your preps I’ll put a link below. Might be a nice
gift for a prepper friend as well!
Homestyle Scramble from Nutrient Survival
I also tried Special Ops Chocolate Rocks.
These are surprisingly so good that I had
trouble not finishing them off lol
These are rich dark chocolate bites in a
camouflaged candy colored coated shell
with 10 grams of protein, 13 vitamins,
3 minerals, 10 protein amino acids,
and a 50 mg shot of caffeine.
These are totally going to be in my
preps for days to come if can keep
my hands off them hee hee.
If you’d like to learn more about these
here’s a link below:
Special Ops Chocolate Rocks
I have more samples from Nutrient Survival
to try out that I’ll share in coming days.
If you want to see all they have and not
wait for me you can always go to their
website and check more out.
Nutrient Survival
In addition to canning your own food, dehydrating food,
freeze drying, and making your own MRE’s
Nutrient Survival has some better prices
than a lot of places I’ve purchased from.
I read this article earlier on Daily Wire and find it interesting.
Country Music Star John Rich Launches Patriotic Bank With Ben Carson
And Larry Elder; Will ‘Never Cancel Law-Abiding Customers’
I read the article and checked out Old Glory Bank that will
take new customers soon as I understand it.
I’m not sure what to think at this point. I have questions
like how can this bank not be part of the Central banking
system that is diminishing the value of the dollar
more and more on purpose with the powers that be and
WHO and others. As well as there are plans to
go digital vs the paper dollar.
Anyhow have a read and I’d like to hear your
thoughts on this.
I’ll be watching this and hope to learn more.
Have a good night.
Seek to stay peaceful, stay focused and keep preparing
one step at a time.