Hello December. How’s your December going so far?
Hard to believe it’s December already.
I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one
with family and friends. And hope you were
able to accomplish somethings you wanted to
in November.
How’s December looking for you? Do you have
snow and cold where you are?
Most of the snow has melted again but the
cold has stayed.
I hear a warmer day is in store for later on
in the week.
I said goodbye to Rusty in May and
last Tuesday Little Thor and I said
goodbye to Marie.

She was such a sweet and gentle girl.
And noble. She hung in for a long time.
The vet who originally saw her wasn’t as
straight forward as the vet I talk to at
the clinic last week.
She told me Marie had a tumor and the
size of it in her lung.
Marie got to the point she was no longer
coughing, but struggling to breathe and
couldn’t even walk to get outside.
It was time to say goodbye.
A super compassionate organization,
Lap of Love had a vet who came here,
spent time with us and Marie and we
said goodbye.
She’s at peace, not suffering and running
free with her brothers now. I’ll hold her
memories in my heart for always.
I received her ashes in a super nice box

How’s December going as far as preparedness
for you?
This is the time of the month I get all the supplies
and items for the month. Being on a limited income
I strive to stay as frugal as possible and continue to
preserve any foods I can.
I still make some of the food for Little Thor but
due to allergies I’ve cut chicken out of his diet
to see if helps. I’ve been buying Victor beef can food
for him as well. A little side note on allergies.
Dr Andrew Jones shared a few days ago about Melatonin
helping with allergies. It helps with stopping the immune
system from over reacting and decreases antibodies from
causing the itch. It’s given 1mg per 10 lbs of body weight.
Little Thor doesn’t sleep well due to itching and this is
helping as well.
I ordered a few things from https://www.hoosierhillfarm.com/
I am not affiliated with them just a customer.
I like their whole powdered milk rather than nonfat powdered
milk most sell. The peanut butter has no oils so perfect for
long term storage. The marshmallows are nice in hot cocoa.

I didn’t flood you with anything for Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
We all probably got enough of that and I still am for that matter.
I prefer to share with you what I’m using and hope you’ll
find some useful items to help you and support me as well.
Sadly awhile back Amazon didn’t want me as an affiliate
but there are many freedom loving affiliates out here in
cyber world.
I get my freshly milled flour from Palouse Brands.
They also have white and red wheat berries as well
as lots of beans. I get the wheat berries to sprout
for myself and the chickens. The chickens also love
the split peas and I put them in their ferment.
Again I’m not an affiliate currently just a loyal

I make a lot of bread and bake from scratch.
Since wheat tends to make my bread a lot
heavier than I like I add dough conditioner
and wheat gluten. These enable a nice light
and fluffier bread.
As a matter of fact I’m getting ready to make
some baking powder biscuits and chicken
gravy here shortly.
I refuse to purchase bioengineered foods from
stores and produce with Apeal put on the
I’ve read that Berkey is going to stop making some filters.
I know they were going to file charges to go to court
because government is now saying their filters are
considered pesticides. Go figure that lie!
I haven’t checked on the status of all that recently.
My daughter bought me more filters back in September
for my birthday and I know https://www.usaberkeyfilters.com
is still selling them so I plan to get more soon.
Well I’m off to make biscuits and gravy.
I hope you have a super night.

Simply Backwoods
Let the Peace of Jesus Rule, Stay Focused
and Keep Preparing One Step at a Time