Let the day begin,
A warm cup of coffee on a cold morning hits the spot.
Getting a few minutes while puppy, Thor is chilling
and not having to keep his curious little self out of
trouble lol
I found this info on Instructables on making your
own MRE’s.
It’s a good alternative to purchasing ready made
foods or in addition to doing so.
The post was made in 2009 and I’m sure the
price of everything is way higher now but
it will still give you some good ideas in putting
together some MRE’s.
If your on a limited income it may be still
far cheaper to make some of your own.
Here’s the link: Instructables MRE Tutorial
Let me know if your already making some of your
own or plan to!
I’m going to keep my eyes open for other
ideas to pass on along with ready made.
Puppy is sleeping now so going to get some
housework done and hope to work some
more later on creating the email sign up
to keep you updated when I make posts.
Have a great day!
Seek to stay peaceful, focused and keep preparing
one step at a time.
You might like to read a previous post: Being Self-Reliant and Self-Sufficient