Life has definitely been flowing along here.
And the new pond certainly is complete with a small solar panel and bubblers.
I’ll either add more bubblers or a larger one to keep the pond clean without
I may add a pool pump as long as there is power and we’re not in a grid down

Life is flowing along for these baby kitties too.
They have their eyes open and are very active.
I’m looking at giving them more room to
move around and play.
I have a play pen but not sure it will
accommodate them, a liter box, food
and water for mom plus keep them out of it
since not really old enough for regular
food or the liter. Their not really coordinated
enough to get out of the water if they fall
in it.
All the shelters here are still full and no room
for mama, kitties or the other two companions.
Someone told me for now I’m the foster lol
They’ve got that right though.
I’ve even try to get the male in to get him
neutered and there are no funds so far.
I’ll keep trying and if worse comes to worst
Grayman will be isolated if any of females
go into heat.
Life goes on.

I’ve been moving right along canning
produce from the garden. It’s going
to be never ending for awhile yet.
That’s about it for tonight.
After a stormy day and no power it’s going
to be nice to kick back and relax reading a
new book I have from Ron Foster,
The Bug Out Gardening Guide.
Whether you bug in or bug out this book
is for you to get gardening if not already.
I agree totally with what Ron shares about
not relying on those buckets of of seeds
promoted for a high prices, promising to
give you tons of veggies for years to come.
Perhaps they will but I’d rather save my
own seeds from my produce and know
what I’m getting and the chances that they
will grow a lot more promising.
There is so much more in this book
to help you prepare wisely.
I encourage you to get your copy ordered.
I doubt you’ll be disappointed!

Ron Foster
Stay safe, stay at peace, stay focused and keeping preparing
one step at a time.