There is a lot to ponder and consider these days.
Carla at Home shared this on her site on Monday with Neil Oliver.
Neil’s message is powerful as ever to not allow heresy of those who
want to destroy our joy and faith if they could to do so.
And we should be happy about it too….Not!
Give it a watch and stand strong in the Light and enjoy Christmas
to the maximum!
This morning I read an article from Todd at Ready for Your Future that
got my attention in a big way. He shared,
Water for Survival – What Happens When Your Water Storage Runs Out?
Storing water and having enough always causes me to ponder and consider
different things quite a bit.
I honestly I store water everywhere imaginable and unimaginable. I have
two small ponds as well as plan to increase my water catchment and dig
a cistern in the Spring. Am I still concerned I’ll run out of water, yes I am
and it’s an ongoing concern.
Then there is the matter of purifying your water. Either with a Berkey,
Life Straw, a Wapi or some other means.
Reading Todd’s article can give you some more ideas to consider.
Oh and by the way if you want to learn more what a Wapi is you
can go here to learn more>>Wapi.
It’s pretty straight forward using a Sun Oven or a pan for
your water on the stove.
Which brings me to Sun Oven’s elves have been busy putting
together a sweet deal that includes a Sun Oven, a cover, a cookbook
and a Wapi. If you order by Dec. 12 you can have it by Christmas
for yourself or for a gift.
I had planned tonight to share some more products from
Nutrient Survival but what I’ve shared seemed most
important to share and tomorrow I’ll share more on a
few more products I’ve tried out.
Have the best night, seek to stay at peace, stay focused,
and keep preparing one step at a time.