Merry Christmas Everyone
I hope all is well with you and your enjoying the Christmas season
along with staying warm and cozy since most of us are having freezing temps and
Don’t get me wrong I love the snow but the cold….well not particularly fond of
freezing my toes and fingers off LOL
Several days ago we had an extreme ice storm. Travel or even going outdoors
was foolish. I have ice trackers for my shoes and do you think I could find where
I stashed them. Of course not until after I needed them.
My daughter reminded me that used coffee grounds are great for not sliding
on the ice. It was perfect and kept me upright taking the dog out. Of course
he didn’t stay out slipping much either.

This year with 5 cats indoors I decided not to deal with them toppling a tree
so I decorated one of the ceiling fans with decor and lights.
Christmas is going to be pleasantly simple here this year, keeping the focus
on Jesus being the Reason for the Season.
I’ll be spending some time Christmas morning at my youngest daughter’s
house with the two grandkids. I’ll give my daughter and husband, Bryan
a gift card and my grandkids a card with a little bit of mula. Nothing they’ll
get rich from but it’s the thought and blessing that counts.
My other kids and grandkids my come after Christmas and we
sometimes go out for breakfast since they are only in town a short
time if they can come at all. Anyhow,
Then I’ll come home and be blessed with my Little Thor doggo,
the 5 cats inside and the chickens downstairs in their area.
I’ll feed the very feral calico outside and any others that show up.
The animal rescue league took all the cats and dog next door due
to a kitten they picked up dying a few blocks away from fleas and
anemia. It only took 3 years of me asking help for them.
I miss them but they hopefully are adopted now and having a Merry
Christmas in safety and love now.
Those neighbors got off on a misdemeanor and told them someone
else had hurt the dog. He didn’t even show up for court. It’s an epitome
of the evil I live next to and sadly representative of the evil brewing in
the world around us.
But you know what I’m trusting Jesus to take care of what is near me
and guide me.

I’ve been super busy canning food.
I canned 3 turkeys gifted to me, chicken, pinto beans with onions and
peppers, sausage gravy and just finished canning some french fries
(see pic below)
I’ve canned a lot more but for sake of time I won’t get too detailed.
I have a bunch more potatoes to do and probably will some tomorrow.
I need to get more jars to go much further.

Besides staying prepared with canning foods in general
If the power goes out some things like pinto beans that
are already seasoned or canned turkey or chicken are easy
to heat up and/or make something with in short order.
Anyway I may watch a bit of a Christmas movie or two on
tv now that most of the political stuff is over and medicare
promotions are gone.
The agenda and garbage that has gone on isn’t over
and probably can expect more havoc before the next
president is in office and see nonsense continue. I’m
holding on for the ride and doing my best no matter what.
Not sure if I’ll post again before Christmas but if I don’t
I pray you have a super and richly blessed Christmas.
Stay safe, stay warm and keep preparing one step at
a time.
