Welcome to Simply Backwoods.
My name is Cindy and I’m located in the Midwest part of the United States.
I’ve been preparing in the way of canning and preserving food, saving water and finding solutions to living simple for several years.
With the rising cost of food (inflation) and the cost of everything for that matter
it’s more important than ever to find simple and when possible find low cost ways to
to save food for the future. whether gardening, dehydrating food, canning and any other way to do so. It’s also important to store water and find solutions
for water in tough times among other things.
My mission and heart for this site is to help you find ways to get prepared and stayed prepared.
I especially hope to help those of you with a limited income as well as those with plenty to continue to prepare and not live in fear.
If your new to preparing I hope you will find information and resources
to help you as well.
It’s more important to thrive daily rather than just live in fear and survive.
This site will always be a work in progress and I definitely value your input as
I go forward.
Simply Backwoods
Living a simple lifestyle, preparing for food, water and supply shortages, grow your own food, canning food, and more